Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Rosh Hashana is Approaching!

Hey Everyone!

Dip your apples in honey (& awesomesauce), blow the Shofar, & eat some fish heads cuz Rosh Hashana is right around the corner!

Holiday begins sundown on Sunday and goes through Monday & Tuesday until the stars come out on Tuesday Night. It's a time to think into our lives to repent & regret our previous sins and make up our minds to become better people this year. Take on something SMALL to do to improve yourself. Any good deed or things of the sort.

Rosh Hashana in camp is PACKED! NOT A BED AVAILABLE! Looking forward to what Biezrat Hashem will be a beautiful holiday!

I thought I'd help bring in the Holiday with a little video I enjoy that talks about Rosh Hashana. "Aish" Style!

Happy New Year/Shana Tova to all! Let's hear the call of the Shofar blowing, let's all pray to G-D to help us always, & may we all be inscribed in the book of life for only good things and happiness!
[In Hebrew: Ketiva Vichatima Tova!]


  1. Oh come on! These guys have nothin' on Nageela's dancers like Koby, Gollubs, Mordy Rubin & his breakdancing workshop people...
